Your First Call Might Be the Wrong Call for Your Low Back Pain - Sioux Falls Chiropractic

Here is a quick scenario: you're sitting at your desk enjoying your morning coffee and checking your email when you move your arm and accidentally drop a pen on the floor. You bend over to pick it up and BAM... your lower back freezes up and suddenly you can't stand up straight.

Quick! Who is your first phone call?

For most, the answer has been their primary care physician. But your choice of who you call could be the difference between surgery and non-invasive treatment; and making the wrong choice could mean paying up to 40% more for your care.

Why People Often Call Their Doctor

One reason many people tend to call their medical doctor first is that low back pain can come on quite suddenly and is extremely painful and scary. But since most causes of back pain are either mechanical or non-organic -- meaning that they aren't caused by serious medical conditions such as arthritis, infection, fractures or cancer -- it is best to visit a chiropractor first, rather than as a last resort. Reputable chiropractors aren't afraid to refer you on to other medical specialists if they suspect a deeper problem.

Bottom line? Seeing a chiropractor first is your best chance at avoiding costly and painful back surgery or addictive opioid prescriptions.

Surgery By the Numbers

The surgeries that address low back pain often involve a process called spinal fusion. This type of surgery requires anywhere from three months to a year to recover; and even then there are a large number who never get the relief they seek through surgery. The reason for this is that surgery doesn't always address the cause of your low back pain and therefore the procedure can sometimes miss important components that are causing your pain.

In contrast, chiropractic care for low back pain allows you to go about life with minimal recovery and return to normal after a much shorter period of time. Chiropractors work to understand the full scope of your pain and treat all aspects including some areas that are often overlooked such as posture, stretching and foot orthotics.

But What If I Really Need Surgery?

Rest assured, your chiropractor doesn't want you to live in pain! If your low back pain isn't responding to treatment, your chiropractor at Sioux Falls Chiropractic will work closely with you to refer you to a qualified orthopedic surgeon to perform your back surgery. There are some individuals who do end up needing surgery, but only a very small percentage. There is a very good chance chiropractic care will provide the relief you seek!

If you are having low back pain, Sioux Falls Chiropractic can help! Contact us today by clicking below and we will get you on the road to health. This is your life, live it well!


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