What to Expect at Your First Appointment

First days of school, first days of work, first dates, and first kisses are so nerve-wracking because they mean doing something new, in a new way, or with new people. If you are nervous about scheduling or coming into that first appointment with Sioux Falls Chiropractic, you are normal! We hope your visit to Sioux Falls Chiropractic will be the most positive healthcare experience you’ve had. Learn what to expect at your first appointment.

Scheduling an Appointment

To schedule your appointment, either go to our website and click one of the many "Make an Appointment" links, or give us a call. We will get you scheduled at a time that works for you. Our patient forms are available online so print and fill them out beforehand to ensure your appointment time stays on track. If you don't have a printer, you can always stop by to pick up the forms before your scheduled appointment time.

Checking In

We have awesome front desk staff members who will great you as you arrive, take your completed patient forms and show you our kiosk check-in stations. Then you are free to wait in our waiting room. We have a kid friendly area too!

After a few minutes one of our staff members will call you back, show you the office layout, bring you to your room, and take your height, weight, and blood pressure.

Getting to Know Your Doctor

When you first meet your chiropractor they will ask you how you are feeling and request that you point out any areas of discomfort. The doctor then completes a variety of physical assessments such as reflex testing, neurological and range of motion tests, muscle strength tests, palpations and orthopedic testing. This sounds overwhelming, but it is really just a lot of moving your body so the doctor can see how your body is functioning. None of it is painful or embarrassing, we promise!

For some patients, you will get an x-ray at this first appointment. This x-ray gives our chiropractors a baseline to spot potential issues, inform their treatment process, and see how you improve. If you've never had an x-ray before, it is a completely painless process and we do it right here in our office!

The Adjustment

After the x-ray, the doctor will take you back to the treatment room and perform a series of gentle manipulations to realign your spine.

But what does that mean?

Doctors use their hands and gentle, firm pressure to move your joints back into proper alignment. The process is usually painless and most patients enjoy the process.

Each of the five doctors has their own unique style, but they all use a variety of chiropractic methods to adjust to your individual concerns and your unique anatomy. In fact, your doctor may switch between up to six methods during your adjustment to get the perfect fit for you!

After Your Adjustment

Depending on your pain level, the doctor may incorporate some additional deep tissue techniques such as ultrasound, electrical stimulation, or cold laser therapies, as well as guided stretching.

It is always our goal to leave you better off than you were before. The body likes to revert back to old habits, so once your adjustment is done, your doctor will present you with a treatment plan to make sure any problem areas stay healthy and pain free. They will schedule necessary follow up appointments at this time.

While you will usually feel relief fairly quickly, some conditions do require multiple visits over the course of a few days or weeks. These visits will later taper off to wellness care mode when you are feeling yourself again.

Are you ready to take the leap? We can't wait to see you! Click below to schedule that appointment.


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