Tips for a Stress Free Back to School Season

Flyers are coming in the mail and stores are filling up with all the latest back to school supplies. Even if we aren't ready, the school year is coming. But this doesn't have to be a stressful time! August is a great time to reevaluate your family schedule and even form some new, healthy habits. Even if you don't have kids in school, the allure of the school supply aisle can motivate everyone to make healthy changes. Here are a few tips to help you get your school year off to a stress free start.

1. Embrace the Summer That is Left

There is still quite a bit of summer left! To really enjoy and prepare for the changes of fall you need to fully embrace the summer too! Our best suggestion to help you make the most of this month is to turn off your TV and get outside.

Are their projects that you have been meaning to check off your list? Vacations you want to take with your kids? Are there little outings you have been meaning to do but haven't fit in yet? Now is the time to seize the sliver of summer we have in the upper-Midwest and enjoy your family time outdoors. Turning off the TV also has the added bonus of helping you establish healthier habits! Your kids' grades might even benefit from an increased attention span and less distractions once the school year kicks in.

2. Establish Healthy Sleep Patterns

Children need quite a bit of sleep and study after study shows they aren't getting it. These final weeks of summer are a good time to start transitioning to better sleep habits. See the following chart with recommendations from the National Sleep Foundation to help your child plan for their sleep needs.

If your kids struggle with sleep issues, a chiropractic adjustment can do wonders to help them get back on track. Sometimes the solution really is that simple!

3. Purchase Ergonomic School Supplies Now

Ergonomic office supplies are always top selling but many of us forget that our kids need high quality supplies too! While our kids have younger and more resilient bodies, they also need to be making smart decisions with those bodies. That means carrying a high-quality, ergonomic backpack and wearing it properly, choosing proper footwear for school, athletics, and gym class, and avoiding bad desk posture when in class or using their phones. Don't wait to make these purchases until the last minute or the items you want may be sold out. Take a few minutes to purchase those supplies now so you aren't scrambling the night before school starts.

4. Work on Better Posture

Good posture used to be a much bigger deal and was something actively taught, but now it is hardly ever mentioned. But we are doing our kids a disservice if we never talk with them about why posture is important!

There is an old saying, "as the twig is bent, so grows the tree." A child's developing spine is subject to many stresses as they grow including frequent falling and sporting injuries. Form follows function. If their spines have imbalances that go uncorrected they can easily lead to bigger problems down the road. Teach proper posture now when habits are much easier to establish.

5. Visit a Chiropractor

Back to school time is a great time to check in with Sioux Falls Chiropractic, for both kids and adults! Your chiropractor can make sure that you and your family have healthy spines that are ready to support you as you launch into a new season. But why see a chiropractor if you aren't in pain? Chiropractors do a lot more than just treat known issues and pain! Regular adjustments help to reduce interference in your nerve pathways so your body can work more effectively.

Think of your body like a garden hose. When your spine is out of alignment, even if you don't have pain, you have small kinks in the hose. Now the hose may still work, but certainly not at full capacity. After a chiropractic adjustment your nerve pathways can communicate freely, like an unkinked garden hose, and your body will actually be more productive!

Read More: The Benefits of Pediatric Chiropractic You May Not Have Known

The new school year also brings new opportunities for developing better habits and patterns as families. Use the next few weeks to come together as a family and make the most of the summer while still preparing for school! Need to make an appointment for a quick back-to-school tune up? Contact us below!


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